I stumbled across a meme the other day on Pinterest. It said, “Someday you’re going to be someone’s favorite author.”
It has a nice ring to it. Wouldn’t you agree?
I think most writers dream that they will become a reader’s favorite author. But they don’t stop and think about what it means. I did a poll the other day on Instagram to see which characters in my series, The Kalila Chronicles, were my reader’s favorite. I instantly got a reply from a reader, and one of their choices wasn’t one that I would have thought would make the list.
It wasn’t that the character wasn’t a great one, I love them, and this character is taking center stage in my next book. But it wasn’t an obvious choice to me, and it surprised me after my first book released.
It’s just like this quote I mentioned earlier. You never know what is going to touch your readers and how much it will impact them. Whether they are the main character or a supporting one, we should carefully and purposely create each one.
I believe that’s why writing is such a gift. Readers give up their time to read. Let’s be honest. Time is not something we have to waste. There’s so much going on in our lives, so many things to cross off of our lists. But the fact they choose my book or your book is a gift.
Have fun with your stories. Go deep, show emotions, real problems, hope, and make them laugh a little. But be intentional, purposeful, authentic, and let your voice shine through the story.
Because someday, you’re going to be someone’s favorite author.
And that’s powerful.
Erin R. Howard is a developmental editor, fantasy author of The Kalila Chronicles, and has earned a Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing/English from Southern New Hampshire University.
When she’s not writing, Erin enjoys spending time with her family, fueling her craft addictions, and teaching writing workshops.
Erin is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and the KenTen Writers Group. She resides in Western Kentucky with her husband and three children.
You can find out more about Erin and her fantasy series, The Kalila Chronicles, on her website. www.erinrhoward.com
This has me in awe.
Thanks, Amy! ☺️
I’ve heard this quote before. I hope someday it might be true, but more than that I want to write and live in a way that makes it worthy of being true.
I agree!