Sharon Carpenter was born with a love for words. Family lore tells that she spoke early and often, jabbering to anyone who would listen or no one at all. One of her most used phrases was “another story, just one more?” Not much has changed.
Growing up as an Air Force brat and an only child, books were her constant companions and closest friends. After all, they moved to a new Air Force Base in another or state or country whenever she did. The Little Engine That Could, Go,Dog,Go, Winnie the Pooh series, Misty of Chincoteague, Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys mysteries, classical stories of romance and valor as well as popular fiction can all still be found on Sharon’s overflowing bookshelves. Reference books, nonfiction books on history and relationships, Biblical studies, and a vast collection of family Bibles also abound. There are never enough bookshelves.
Writing became an extension of reading very early. Sharon often thought up alternate endings or plot twists, and vowed to someday write a novel. Nonfiction writing was an integral part of her teaching career, but the dream to craft fiction persisted. Membership in Bartlett Christian Writer’s, American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), wonderful writing conferences, along with the friendships and encouragement from likeminded people have challenged Sharon to put feet to dreams and “just do it.”
Sharon and her husband, Jesse, have been on a wonderful adventure for almost 40 years. They are parents to 3 amazing kids who married 3 amazing kids, and Sassy and Papa to an ever-increasing tribe of grands. Her hobbies include travel, books, gardening, cooking, exercising, sewing and passionately pursuing Jesus. A perfect day in the Carpenter home is one filled with family love, laughter, fellowship of friends, and the anticipation of an adventure.
Sharon has been published in curriculum, regional publications, and Chicken Soup for the Soul anthologies. She is currently at work on a Christian novel. You can learn more by visiting her website—