I spotted it as I got ready for work this morning, a bright green silicone bracelet with the word stabilizer embossed in white. It could be mistaken for a rubber rand. It’s about the same size. But today I realized it is so much more than a rubber band or even a bracelet.
As simple as it is, this bracelet serves a great purpose. I received it from the instructor of one of the workshops I attended at Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in May. The focus of her class was public speaking, but she had a strong tendency towards incorporating your own personality type into what you do. The word stabilizer on the bracelet represents one of the four basic categories of personality in the system she teaches. As I looked at the bracelet this morning, I was reminded to be who God created me to be in all I do, but I was also reminded of something else.
I need to be me. Who am I? I am a writer. I may have a unique personality, but every writer in the workshop came away with a similar bracelet. There was one for everyone in the class with a word and color unique to their personalities. We got them as a reminder to be true to ourselves, but together they remind us we are all writers no matter how different we maybe.
I’ve met so many writers this summer. I was blessed to attend not only BRCWC but also the Ken-Ten Writers Retreat in June. As I looked at my bracelet this morning, I remembered Misty, Lynn, Amy, Regina, Erin, another Amy, a few Linda’s and many more who are following a call to minister through the written word. Our messages may focus on different aspects of faith, and they may reach different audiences. Some of us write fiction and others non-fiction. It doesn’t matter. We are all authors working to show God’s love to those who read what we write. We may not worship together on Sunday mornings, but I believe our similar ministries unite us as a unique part of the body of Christ.
We have much we can give to each other. It doesn’t matter if you’re a writer or a reader, there are a lot of ways to support and encourage faith-based writers in their ministries. Reviews, blog and social media follows, and subscribing to email lists are wonderful ways everyone can participate in supporting an author’s ministry.
Prayer is another great way to show support. A writer’s job is not an easy one, and with the additional component of responsibly conveying scriptural truths in what we write, prayers are coveted by faith-based authors. Scripture reminds us in many of the New Testament epistles the importance of praying for each other. The authors often included phrases like “always remembering you in prayer” and “never cease praying for you”. They also frequently included acknowledgment that the recipients were holding up the author in prayer and that their petitions on behalf of the author’s ministry were cherished.
As I looked at my bracelet this morning, several of the authors I’ve had the pleasure of meeting came to mind. On the heels of the memories I made with them came the gentle nudge of God’s spirit to do more than reminisce. I needed to lift up my fellow authors in prayer. I need to do that every day. In doing so, I participate in their ministry. As they pray for me, they participate in mine. It’s a way for this particular part of the body of Christ to keep itself in good spiritual working order.
And even if you aren’t an author, I encourage you to think about the faith-based authors that have impacted your life. Find some small thing to remind you to pray for them and their ministry every day. It doesn’t have to be big. Anything can remind you to pray for those authors. From now on, my reminder will be a green, silicone bracelet.
What a beautiful, uplifting message. Thank you, Heather! I’ll be praying for you too!
Thank you! I’m finding so much encouragement in knowing others are keeping me in their prayers as I minister in this way.
I also attended the Ken-Ten retreat, and I plan to use the little bag of stones we got to remember to pray for Christian writers. Excellent idea!:)
Yes! We always hear that leaving a review is helpful for authors. True, but we don’t hear as often that praying for us is vital. Thank you, Heather!