I learned to type in high school on a manual typewriter using correction fluid and carbon paper. My parents bought me a Smith Corona as a high school graduation gift, and I used it during college and beyond. I learned to use a word processor before becoming comfortable with a computer. For many years I wrote first drafts in long hand, edited them by hand, and typed them on the computer.
Although I can’t remember exactly when I discovered I wanted to be a writer, i.e. write for publication, I discovered a community of writers at my first Christian writers conference in 1997.
The take away from that conference: “A writer writes. I am a writer. Therefore, I write.” 😊 If you want to be a writer, and make a difference with your writing, you begin by writing: letters, a journal, a newspaper editorial, an article for your church newsletter or bulletin. You have to learn to use correct grammar, and to express yourself clearly and in a way that attracts readers. Good writing takes time and effort. It takes practice.
The faculty at that conference wanted to help me and the other conferees to learn to write well and fulfill our dreams and calling, whether we became a published author or wrote for ourselves, and whether we received payment for our writing or wrote without pay. I think what impressed me the most was their desire to glorify God in their teaching, editing, and writing.
Some of my fellow conferees from those early days have gone on to become well-known in the publishing industry as writers, editors, agents, and publishers. They direct conferences or travel from conference to conference as faculty members. They still teach and encourage writers.
There are times that the computer, internet, and social media frustrate me and make me nervous. I hear, read, and see things which shock me or are a waste of time. However, I know that being connected and staying connected with the writing community via social media has been a benefit to me. I am encouraged by what you, my writing community, share. I celebrate your successes with you, and I pray for you. I can depend on you for help and encouragement when I need it most. We are a community. We share a love for communication through the written word, and we help one another along: a community of writers.
Do you have a community that encourages you?
I have writing groups I belong to, but I also have writing friends and colleagues (like our group of writers here) who are always ready to jump in and help. In addition I’ve found great conferences to attend which leads to locating other communities of writers. I think I’m blessed in the writing community department. Great post, Beth!
Thank you, Debbie. I know I’ve been blessed.
Nice job, Beth. I continue to make friends in the writing community. ACFW is a great network of Christian women (and men too) who are making a difference in the world and also are ready to offer their friendship and support.
I so wish I had a local Christian writing group to be involved with, but I’m out in nowhere land. LOL! I do gain a lot of encouragement from on-line writer friends and groups. Thanks, Beth!
My first conference once I began writing fiction was the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writing Conference. I’m still friends will many of the people I met there in 2010. I meet more friends every time I attend that conference, ACFW, and others as well. A community of writing friends is so important! Thanks for the reminder!
I belong to an awesome writing group that’s very supportive, and I’ve made new reading and writing friends through social media. It has been a surprising and amazing experience! Great post!