I’m as old-fashioned as they come, so historical novels are a perfect fit for me—both reading and writing. As a reader, I love the nostalgia and all the life lessons one can learn from those who’ve gone before us. But as a writer, I enjoy delving into the past and researching the time period, more […]
Designing the Writing Space
Last summer, my husband and I completed some much needed remodeling to our home. It was an exciting time watching outdated spaces made new. In the midst of the mess and disorder of construction, I was also working on the editing of my debut novel, preparing it for a fall publication date. The summer months […]
What’s In A Name?
Names . . . What’s in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet. — SHAKESPEARE, Romeo and Juliet The name of a man is a numbing blow from which he never recovers. – MARSHALL MCLUHAN, Understanding Media As a writer, picking character names can be […]
Writing and Waiting
I love my job. I’ve always wanted to be a writer. I was inspired every time a book left me feeling like the characters were my friends. I admit to laughing out loud and crying on multiple occasions when reading, though I am not by nature a crier. Every book like this leaves me with […]
Where Do You Write?
I love watching people. I’m fascinated by them. That’s why I can’t write in public. I’ve tried. I love coffee shops and college libraries, but I get distracted and don’t reach my word count. If I’m collecting characteristics for personality types, fine. If I’m writing a rough draft, nope. I like to write in my […]
Crazy Little Thing Called Writing …
Becoming a writer was never on my radar. I have friends who’ve shared about writing stories since they could hold a pencil. Or crayon. Not me. I wanted to be a singer. My journey into writerdom was wrought with nags and nudges. And looking back, I realize many of those nudges came from God. I […]
Too Many Words
Ever been trying to say something and have a word right on the tip of your tongue, but you can’t remember it? I do that all the time. Normally, this wouldn’t be strange, but I’m an author. A wordsmith. Someone who can supposedly say what I want to say in such a way that other people […]
Balancing Act
You have an excellent idea for a story. It’s been floating around in your mind for a long time, and it won’t leave you alone. You think about it when you get up, off and on during the day, and when you go to sleep at night. It’s begging you to write it down, but […]