GIVING HOPE THROUGH OUR WORDS When my husband and I taught Good News Clubs years ago, we told a Christmas story entitled “If I Had Not Come.” A boy dreamed what the world would be like if Jesus had not come. I made it into play script for the church young people to perform at […]
Making the Most of Your Writing Time
No doubt about it. Life is BUSY! If we aren’t careful, we can run ourselves ragged trying to keep up. If you’re like me, you often feel pulled in every direction, trying to balance family activities, work responsibilities, church and community functions, and household duties. And I have to wonder, WHEN CAN I WRITE?! To […]
Before and After
My parents have a picture of my children in their hallway. It always makes me smile to see how young and adorable my kids were back then. Simply seeing the picture floods my mind with memories of their childhood. My kids are adults now, for the most part. The youngest is sixteen. Not even thirty […]
Ask Yourself Why
One of the things that I love most about the fantasy genre is how you can escape into the story as if you were there along with the characters. I’ve always been a reader. Some of my earliest memories are hiding under the covers with a flashlight, so I could stay up all night to […]
A Bit of a Shock
Touch is a powerful tool. Especially in romance novels, we all wait with bated breath for the first time the hero and heroine accidentally bump into each other, the first time their hands meet, the first time they kiss. When written well, the descriptions of these events leave us slightly breathless, our heart rate up, […]
As young adults, my husband and I became local missionaries with Child Evangelism Fellowship. We held teacher training classes for adults, and we taught children in Good News Clubs, Released Time, and Vacation Bible School. Probably the most difficult students we had were the older-than-us teachers who, because of their years of experience, decided we […]
The Power of the Written Word
Is the pen truly mightier than the sword? Words are powerful. They evoke emotions, stir us to action, share valuable insights, and ignite our imaginations. Words can build up, or tear down, encouragement or discourage, depending on how they are conveyed. Writers know well the power of words. The way a passage is written […]
Keep the Imagination Holy
As writers, we have the honor of being allowed access to a reader’s mind. We are trusted with the job of entering into a person’s thoughts to encourage, to entertain, and maybe even to change them. Words have power. We’ve all heard this before. The influence behind the words we write begins in our own […]