Editing is a necessary, often grueling task that requires time and skill. Yet, is there such a thing as over-editing? How do you know when enough is enough? Here are five suggestions to make edits a little less taxing.
Do Something Dangerous
When I accepted the invitation to be a part of this blogging community I had a few thoughts in mind of what to write about but now I have completely run out of ideas. I am still learning about the writing craft so will leave insights and instruction on writing to the experts. I will […]
Ripping Out the Seams
One of the first rules of sewing my mom taught me was how to use a seam ripper. It seems backwards, doesn’t it? Learning how to undo a seam instead of put one in. But it has come in handy time and time again, especially when learning how to do a zipper. If you don’t […]
Be Like Jane
This afternoon in South Central Iowa is a cool 48 degrees complete with a gusty wind blowing constant rain against the window panes. A perfect afternoon for staying warm and dry indoors enjoying a movie from my Jane Austen library. Today’s pick is Persuasion, the BBC edition starring Sally Hawkins and Rupert Penry-Jones. I love […]
Do You Always Follow the Recipe?
Do you always follow the recipe? When I first learned to cook, I leaned what tools to use, how to read the recipes, and how to mix the ingredients to make something edible and tasty. Have you ever asked your mother or grandmother for a recipe only to have her say, “I don’t use a […]
Writing Alone Together
“Writing is a solitary occupation.” – Jessamyn West I don’t know much about Jessamyn West, but I think she has the author’s life right. I also think she’s got it completely wrong. The quote goes on to speak of interruptions and the need to be completely alone in order to finish the task of writing. […]
Creating Memorable Heroes and Heroines
What makes a hero and heroine memorable to readers? Often it’s the fire and ice relationships that make for an interesting read. In the world of fiction, as well as real life, opposites seem to attract. When creating lead characters, writers often choose unlikely combinations. A backwoodsman and a city girl. A rich heiress […]
Find Your Way
Fill a room full of writers and ask them how they approach writing and you’ll get lots of different answers. Everyone has a unique way of how they write and come up with their ideas. Some may have to plot out every single detail, while others come up with it as they go. There’s no […]