I’m talking about street teams in this post. In the picture are four of my favorite readers, my children! Since I don’t have a street team yet, I chose this picture because they’re doing what a street team member does–promoting an author’s work. For the next few months, besides pounding out a rough draft and […]
Write Through It
It’s almost that time of year. The time when the air starts to cool off just a bit in the evenings (at least here in the south), the traffic increases in the mornings and afternoons every Monday through Friday, and each Friday night finds most of the school gathered down at the football field, rooting […]
Writing Conference
No matter how long you’ve been a writer, no matter that you’ve had a book published, there’s always something more to learn. Many changes happen in the Christian publishing industry each year, and a writers’ conference is one of the best places I know to learn about market demands and to improve your […]
Taking A Time Out
As a parent I had to learn to recognize when my children needed a time out. I’m not talking about a disciplinary action to give them time to consider their actions and consequences. The times I’m talking about are those times when a child’s activity and input has been so constant or exciting that their […]
What I Wish I Knew About Being a Writer
There comes the point in life when you look back at what you’ve done, what you’ve accomplished, and what you dream of doing in the future. Life is full of little moments. Whether they are good or bad. If you laid your life out as a story, you could see all of these moments, or […]
Pass It On
Inadequacy surrounds me, whispering in my ear, “You’re not good enough.” And yet, I have several friends who come to me, asking questions and advice, and soaking up what I tell them. Why? Because I have had two books published, and they’re still in the process of finishing their first manuscript. Despite what I might […]
Reminders and Encouragement
I spotted it as I got ready for work this morning, a bright green silicone bracelet with the word stabilizer embossed in white. It could be mistaken for a rubber rand. It’s about the same size. But today I realized it is so much more than a rubber band or even a bracelet. As simple […]
I Wish I Could Get It Right the First Time
I Wish I Could Get It Right the First Time Not only do writers write, they also rewrite and rewrite. It doesn’t matter if it’s a story, a novel, or a personal letter, I find myself changing words, or sentence structure, or writing something different from my original. Maybe you do too. During high school […]