April. The month starts off with “April Fool’s Day,” a day centered around quirky pranks and practical jokes.
Quirkiness has long been popular in fiction. From Mary Poppins to Ebenezer Scrooge to Sherlock Holmes, we remember quirky characters. And what about quirky settings? Think: Hogwarts. Again, memorable.
Most books have at least one character with larger-than-life quirks, even if it’s a minor character. Scrivenings Press books are no different. You can browse a list of our books that either have a quirky setting or at least one quirky character by looking here: https://scrivenings.link/apr2022
Let’s have fun this month by relaxing with some light-hearted reads that include a bit of quirkiness.
Here’s the link to the Readers’ Challenge: https://scriveningspress.com/april2022readingchallenge