I love to read historical fiction, but sometimes I feel bogged down by descriptions that are too lengthy or obscure. Not the case with A Song of Deliverance. The details enabled me to envision each scene, from the landscape to the period clothing to the mechanics in the shaft house, even the sounds and the silences. For instance:
‘How could the air surrounding the Singing Silver Mine be so quiet? Not even the few pines still on the property rustled like they so often did in these mountains as if they swayed to the music of a wild square dance. But today, it seemed as if the musicians had packed up their instruments and left, and all that remained was a hollow music hall filled with ghosts whirling to the music of a silent orchestra.’
Also there is an undercurrent of the all-too-real human struggles with faith in God during times of disappointment and difficulty, which are portrayed honestly. I look forward to reading the next book in the series.