The Girl With A Dragon’s Heart is the third and final book in the Firebird series by Dawn Ford and it was everything I wanted and more in the conclusion of this amazing fantasy series.
This book starts off right after the ending of book two with Tambrynn being injured after fixing the curse of the Froggen king that left the place flooded. She sets off with her watcher, grandfather, and the dragons to find a cure only to be found by her death mage father, causing our main characters to find major loss amongst their crew. This loss doesn’t stop Tambrynn, in fact it fuels her even more to find a cure and save those taken by Thoron. In this book we meet bandits, even more dragons, giants, war Ravens and Eagles as well as a Phoenix. We learn what it means to have a dragon’s heart and who we can trust and who we cant. Dawn Ford has a way of making you feel as if you’re placed in the story right along side Tambrynn and her crew, holding your breath, laughing, crying and rooting for our heros from the very beginning. This series has definitely taken a place in my heart and I can’t wait for everyone to read the conclusion once it releases.